Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Prayer for today...October 12th, 2011

Eyes, open wide to let in all the beauty and light that is ever there.
Let me not be blind to what is before me.

Ears, tune in to hear all the delightful sounds of life.
Let me not tune out all the wonder of sound.

Tongue, taste all the richness of food and drink that sustains me.
Let me remember to give thanks for my body that needs to be fed.

Hands, reach out to hold and comfort another and lift up.
Let me not hold back from touching another.

Mouth, let me speak from a responsible compassionate place.
Let me not utter words that are negative and have dull energy.

Heart, let me be free and live in the now with God.
Let me forgive and be my highest and best self.

Feet, let me go to places not known and explore my world.
Let me stand on sea and land and drink in the energy.

Soul, let me acknowledge and understand forgiveness.
Let me be free of human constraints and ego.

God, let me be with you now.
Let me do all that I can to acknowledge you and invite you in.

And so it is!

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