Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Rampage of Simplicity

Rev. Diannia Baty

The last time I filled my car with gas it cost me over $70.00! That is a lot of money any way you look at it. Gas is now hovering close to go over $4.00 a gallon. Really!
The last time I went to the grocery store and brought home one bag of normal groceries, nothing spectacular it was over $40.00 and that was wit...h coupons. Without coupons it would have cost almost $60.00. That means on a normal day of filling up the car and buying one bag of food I spent over $100.00.

I am blessed that most of my work is done from my home. I do not have to commute. We have also started a garden and we are storing seeds. I am going to learn to can foods and we have a food dehydrator! I do a lot of cooking in my great kitchen so eating out is a treat, not the norm. I remember going to my grandmothers house as a girl and seeing shelves lined with canned goods in her basement all from her garden. She told me that getting her hands dirty and breaking a sweat with a garden made her feel so close to God.

I try to remain aware of how and when I run my errands and plan accordingly. Anything that has to be dry cleaned is being given away. It is an un-necessary expense. There are so many ways we waste money without thinking about it.

I am easily entertained by reading, writing and listening to music. I keep an eagle eye on my life to see where I can cut back and be more efficient. I refuse to be a victim of this economy. I am pro-active!

What I am trying to say here is our world is changing and we have to change with it if we want to be in control of our life. We must make changes where changes can be made and trim back the excess! As a nation we have become spoiled by stuff. We have way too much stuff and excess in our lives. Technology is ruining us and ruling our lives. It is time to get back in touch with your essence and your loved ones. I know couples who have arguments by texting each other!

I am calling for a rampage of simplicity. I am sending out a sirens call to make your life a more viable real thing and to get back to the roots of Spiritual Consciousness. At our core we are good loving beings worthy of a wonderful life
but we have to participate and be present to the changes.

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