Monday, July 19, 2010

Spiritual Changes

I have been going through some transformation and change. The first thing I have noticed is when I meditate, I go deeper, faster and it is more intense. My intention to be aware and present to my thoughts is more on point as well. Just this morning I got such joy in feeling the wind flow over my body.

I am so much more connected to the earth than I have ever been in my life. The birds and the plants seem to call to me to be still and drink it all in.

I am in a state of gratitude and when I am in a gratitude attitude, my day is so very beautiful.

I am going through a bit of worry and I work hard at moving it along because I know it is based on some future time. People generally think that because I am a spiritual teacher that I am peaceful and joyous all the time. This is simply not true. I have my challenges just like the rest of you. The difference is that I have the right tools to get me going forward and out of the mental constructs that I used to operate under.

When I catch myself in a negative state and realize later that it drained my energy because I allowed it to distract me, I almost feel silly. I more than most know about the power of our thoughts. I have neglected certain practices because of the worry that I allowed in and that will stop today.

The universal law of attraction is always at work.


  1. This reminds me of the Buddhist belief of how as we become in line with truth we can transcend suffering. The way we control our mental energy I think is critical to everyone regardless of their consciousness of it.

  2. I am so happy to here that you are able to more fully meditate and become one with your body and mind. I hired a spiritual life coach and had the same thing happen to me. It is amazing the difference I can feel in my life.
