Thursday, March 4, 2010

What Are They So Angry About?

Why do atheists get so angry and what is all that yelling all about?

I very recently had a person I know who is an avowed atheist tell me that I was stupid to believe in God. This was someone who is very uncomfortable to even hear the name of God. It makes him angry and fighting mad. I wonder just what is it that makes him so uncomfortable? What is it that makes him want to strike out at anyone who believes in God? If he doesn’t believe in God then what phantom is he really fighting?
He once told me that it makes him very angry when someone says “God bless you.”
He said the next time someone said that to him he was going to say “God Bless Hitler.”

I said “do you have any idea how some people might take that?” He replied that he didn’t care. He just wanted to shake up the idiots that believed in God. Insulting and disrespectful, he was and is a very angry man.

I told him to please let me know if he was going to do that because I wanted to be a mile away from him. He was potentially putting himself in a very dangerous position and I didn’t want to be anywhere near him. He is a man of contradictions because I once asked him if he believed in a power greater than himself and his answer was yes. Just what does he think this power is? I happen to call it God and in this man’s eyes that makes me an idiot. Go figure? God has many names and many faces.
I wondered if he were to fall off a cliff and was hanging by his fingers a thousand feet off the ground would he refuse help from an angel if one appeared to him. In his last moments who would he call out to? I don’t think it would be the Easter bunny. Do you?

This angry contest with God is not one he will ever win as the hard and fast lessons that he needs to learn will bowl him over until one day he will know God. He still is Gods child and is loved even if he won’t accept that love or acknowledge his creator. He is a lonely man and struggles to make a living. He has turned many people away from him that wanted to love him but couldn’t be around him. His blessing is, God loves him anyway and will still be around no matter what. When his final day comes and the angel appears to take him home, will he say go away you don’t exist? I don’t think so. On that day at least he will finally know unconditional love. I just hope he doesn’t wait until then to know God. His life could be so enriched and joyful now. That being said, if you know someone like this have compassion and allow the universe to do the rest.

I have noticed that it is with few exceptions that atheists are very angry controlling people. I imagine I would be that way too if I didn’t believe in a higher power, God, Jehovah, creator, universal source etc. It is all the same.
In their angry rantings it is as if they are trying to call God out so they can stand toe to toe with their creator. They are waiting for the proverbial bolt of lightning to strike them dead. It doesn’t come and so they don’t believe. They argue against God at every opportunity. Funny thing is I am calm, peaceful and non-combative when it comes to my God. I don’t rant and rave at the non-believers. I don’t call them idiots. They don’t know that they don’t know. I don’t feel a need to get into a debate with them. What good would it do anyway with all the yelling and posturing going on?

I just stand quietly serene in the fact that God does exist. I don’t have to defend my position to anyone. So, I ask myself why they feel the need to defend theirs so vehemently. I think I have the answer. Where there is anger there is fear somewhere lurking in the shadows. I believe they are afraid, pure and simple. Anger rules their life to cover fear. This fear is grounded in the fact that if they suddenly believed, they would have to take full responsibility for their thoughts, actions and deeds. Many of them don’t feel good enough or worthy in some fashion. Many of them don’t want to make the changes they should make and don’t think they can.
If only I could wake them up to the fact that God just is and that should be enough of an explanation.

In any event it is my job as a spiritual person to just love the whole bunch of them even if they are many times unlovable. Through free-will they have the right to be and think anything they wish just as I do and I must remember that.
I asked God what I should do if I encounter another atheist and the answer was what I thought it would be…just love them because God loves everyone and I mean everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I have had the same experiences with atheist. The ironic thing about it is that the most strident atheists I've known I've met while working for progressive causes.

    I call my God, Jesus and I call myself a Christian. I've been called stupid, gullible, dumb and naive by people who fight for the rights of gays, women, and any and everyone else. They don't see the hypocrisy of fighting for the rights of all of those groups to be accepted and understood but they refuse to extend that same courtesy to me.

    I'm not an in-your-face kind of Christian. I don't try to convert anyone and in fact, I don't bring it up unless someone else does. Once, on a MOnday morning, someone asked about my weekend and I gave them the rundown which included the statement, "Oh, and Sunday morning, I went to church." A full 10 minutes later, this guy was still going on about the ridiculousness of Christianity and how he thought I was smarter than that.

    WOW... so much for tolerance. : )
