God is holding a seminar
By Rev. Diannia Baty
Yes, folks there is going to be a seminar and the speaker will be God. You don’t need a ticket. it is free. Even the atheists are going to this seminar.
Even though they don’t believe in God they want to come nevertheless so they can heckle and talk about what they don’t believe in. They think this is going to be a day of high entertainment. Some goofy person is going to get up on the stage and claim they are God. This is going to be a real hoot.
For months there have been posters everywhere about the seminar.
There have been full-page ads in the newspapers around the world.
When the people in the ad departments tried to check on who placed the ads, they can’t trace the source. The posters advertising the huge event seem to have come out of nowhere. Store owners don’t remember how they got there. The question has been raised, “How can a seminar be everywhere at once? This must be some kind of hype? It will build everyone up. It won’t really be God. The atheists say, “Of course, it won’t be God because there is no God.”
Out of curiosity and as a direct result of all the advertising…millions of people around the world are talking about it. Every hall, auditorium, stadium and theater has been booked. The tickets cost absolutely nothing. The announcement says all everyone on the earth is invited to attend.
Very few people are staying home because of all the media coverage about the expected event that no one seems to know much about. All anyone knows is that God is the one and only speaker at this seminar.
Would you go?
The fliers don’t say anything except that God is holding a seminar…time and date to be announced. People are getting a ticket for an event not knowing where and when it will be held. Every evening on the newscasts the talk is always mentioned about the event. The newspapers around the world herald the event. What is this all about and who planned this? It is a mystery. It has been praised as an exceptional advertising campaign. Corporations all over the world are trying to find out which advertising firm handled this. Finally another flyer starts appearing. It simply says “Come when you can.” This announcement really gets tongues wagging. How can you have a seminar like that…no time and no date?
Yet, people start talking about how they attended the seminar and have been transformed by the event. This prompts others to start going to the various halls and auditoriums around the world. They in turn tell others and so on. Pretty soon most of the world’s population has been to the event.
People are asked what happened. What did you see and what did you hear and the answer everyone gets is “God.” There was just one word, just one simple but beautiful word.
Those people who have not attended yet ask, “What did God look like?” The answer is the same as it was for every question asked, “God.”
Reporters from news stations and newspapers are frustrated that they can’t get any more information than a one-word answer.
Finally, in a fit of frustration one reporter decides to do as everyone else who has attended the event. He goes to the local stadium at 3am on a dark night. There was only a bare slice of a moon. There were no lights on. He was alone. He located himself a seat and sat down on the hard bench and waited. He felt silly at first when he asked himself how he was going to flesh out this story, as it seemed there would be nothing to write about. He sat in the dark for about 15 minutes and while he sat there in the dark, he asked himself what he believed about God. He realized his belief about God was very shaky. Was God a what or a who? Was God just a fairy tale that people invented long ago to put some hope into their empty lives? He knew with that thought that if the fairy tale theory was true then he was just an accident and that his life had no meaning and never would. That would mean that he would live and die and that would pretty much wrap up what life was.
That would mean that his life meant nothing. He thought about the theory of evolution. We evolved from one cell out of primordial ooze.
The world came about from some big bang said all the scientists. He sat there in silence mulling over these thoughts. He was losing his reporters objectivity. He suddenly felt very sad and lost at these thoughts.
He wanted his life to have some kind of purpose…some kind of meaning. He wanted to feel real, validated and special… not just some quirk of scientific theory. He looked up at the night sky and was startled at all the stars that filled the sky. It was as if he were seeing them for the first time. He thought about what he did as a reporter. His life revolved around all the ugliness and darkness in the world. His camera and audio equipment recorded murders, rapes, genocide,
road-rage, children going to school with guns killing other children and fires burning out of control. He reported only all the negative bad stuff of this world. He knew that he had only added to what the world was becoming. His responsibility was clear for the first time in his life. He felt ashamed. He wanted to apologize to someone for it but you can’t say “I’m sorry” to the whole world could you? He remembered interviewing an avowed atheist not that long ago and his editor saying
“good article” and it was printed and put in the next day’s edition. He was so proud at the time and now he wanted to cringe at the thought of it. He believed in free speech but he had given power to the atheists with his gift of free will. He saw a hot story and just went for it
with no thought to the consequences of his actions.
He remembered interviewing a scientist who talked about his theory of how the world evolved and how God didn’t enter into the equation at all. He never questioned this but he was questioning it now.
As he sat there and felt all the questions and emotions that were welling up inside him, he felt a presence. He knew he wasn’t alone and it made the hair rise up on the back of his neck. It wasn’t a feeling of being frightened but rather a feeling of anticipation and excitement. He looked around and could see no one else but as he scanned the night sky he noticed a star that was starting to glow brighter and become larger. It slowly started to descend toward the middle of the arena. He blinked his eyes and shook his head to hopefully clear his vision. The star glowing very bright with an indigo light continued to descend and finally came to rest about 30 feet in front of him. It was about 2 stories tall and 20 feet wide more or less.
It sat there and seemed to pulse with life. He stood up and walked slowly toward it. He could feel some sort of power and energy as he moved closer. When he was directly in front of it bathed in this incredible light he asked the question “are you God?” He heard a voice say “yes.”
He was told to walk into the light and he did, no questions asked. His experience that night changed him. He was no longer a man who lived his life in an unconscious way. He quit his job and became the editor of a spiritual magazine. He was spreading the light, truth and the beauty and wonder of God. When he was asked what he had seen and experienced that night,
he told anyone that would listen that it was the most intense powerful experience of his life. When he was asked what God looked like and what did he see and hear, his answer was always the same. GOD, Just one simple but beautiful word, GOD.
He told everyone what it was clear what we are all supposed to do.
We are to spread the light of God’s love. We have to undo all the evil of this world before we destroy our earth home. We have to honor our divinity and never to forget that we are all one.
Experiencing God is a highly personal road of truth for every one of us. We should never have to defend our position as believers to anyone. The next time someone asks you how you know that God exists, ask him or her a question. “How do you know that God doesn’t exist?”
Ask them to pretend for a moment that God is and has always been and always will be and then to tell you how the feeling of that vibrates with them. Does it feel good? Does it feel positive? Do they for just a moment feel what hope is? Then tell them that God loves them and is there for them and always will be. God is love. God is hope. God just is.
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