Thursday, August 18, 2011

Spiritual Gifts From The Flu!

Spiritual Gifts From The FLU
For over a week now I have been in a forced quiet time by the flu that came to visit. I am getting stronger every day now and I am much grateful to know my body is healing. I used this time to rest and to be introspective. I used this time as a time of discovery. Just because you are ill is not the time to drop your spiritual practices.

I concentrated completely on myself. My routine was to get slowly through the day while tuning in as much as possible to spirit. I spoke to God frequently and felt comforted that I would be well soon.

There was one day when I noticed that my little dog, Hector was following me everywhere and would be close by. If I went to the bathroom, he would whimper if I closed the door. He wanted to have me in his eyesight all day. I was very ill that day and he was guarding me. I felt so much love coming from him.

I also noticed that people react to you in different ways when you are not yourself for any reason. They may be very loving and kind or they may be sort of out of sight out of mind. I could readily see the differences in personality and perception.

For now I am coming back to life as I feel I have been on another planet for a while. I felt fragile and isolated at first. Now I feel like a flower that is opening up and blooming. Every experience has a gift for us, even the flu.

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