Rev. Diannia Baty
Carolyn, I miss you!
This is about my dear cousin. I love her dearly. She has since passed over into the light. Breast cancer took her away from me. I taught her how to play and be silly again. Okay, I am going to tell on myself. We would drink carbonated soda and have burping contests on long trips. She would giggle like a girl and so would... I.
We took a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway one day and at one of the stops there was a gentle rolling hill that had been freshly mowed. I dared her to roll down the hill with me We rolled down the hill at least a dozen times laughing all the time. We were out of breath and happy. She looked into my eyes and told me once again she loved me and there were tears in her eyes. The threat of death was not present at these moments. She was dying and we both knew it. We played until she could not play.
I was determined to squeeze all the moments of joy and happiness that I could during her final months. It is all about the living and not being somber and morose. Those silly happy times sustain me now and bring a smile to my face.
If you know someone who is going through something like this...celebrate life with them and find some joy. It is always there. Watch a three stooges movie with them. Play with the dog together. Blow some bubbles in the park. This is the only way to go as far as I am concerned.
She told me that she never though dying could be so much fun! I will never forget that statement or forget her.
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