Monday, May 10, 2010

The Gift from yesterday at Unity Church.

There is a Unity Church about 40 minutes from me that I attend infrequently but am feeling more drawn to it as the months go by. It is a true community of diverse spiritual brothers and sisters who really love and care for each other. Rev. Julie is the spiritual leader and I love her style. The first time I met her I was able to spend an afternoon with her and I felt an immediate connection. She is approachable and treats you like family right away. This woman is a spiritual warrior who had won her stripes.

Yesterday the day was glorious. The skies were the shade of blue that makes you sigh every time you look deeply at it. It was in the low 70's and Spring has blessed this area with abundant growth. Everything is blooming as though it is a final push towards greatness. As days go, I couldn't have asked for better.

I found my spot to sit, right up front. There was a time in my life when I sat in the back of the room but no longer. My father used to tell me to get into the habit of sitting up front and center. I get what he meant. To deliberately sit in the back of the room is like wanting a house on the beach and buying one a block away. Sitting up front and center is where we want to be in our lives. You learn more and activate your heart and the knowledge and growth come pouring in.

There is always a candle lighting ceremony where each in turn can light candles in front and ask for prayers and to send healing or to acknowledge someone in some way. Since it was Mothers Day there were a lot of people lighting candles and their words were sweet prana to my ears and spirit.

I usually hang back a bit giving some of the others their time at bat but yesterday I was sitting right in front and I stood up first. I didn't even know what I was going to say when I stood up. I grabbed a long match and spoke into the microphone and lit a candle for mother earth and mentioned that she needed our help. What came out of my mouth next surprised even me. I talked about my mother and her drug addiction and how she
had changed in later years. She had morphed into something that didn't even resemble her former self. I also mentioned that having her as a mother taught me to forgive her and in forgiving her I have the gift now to know how healing it has been for me. I said the the experience of caring for her taught me not to judge. I wept as I spoke and the tears were laden with gratitude.

When I lifted my head up and looked out there were tears in a few eyes. Unzipping your soul to give others a peek inside is the best gift that you can share. I was sharing my essence with them, my realness! I was handed some tissues and given a hug by Rev. Julie. I sat down and from there person after person came up to share and before long it looked like a bonfire of candles burning with love and healing energy.

After a while I had to go to the ladies room and when I walked in there was a young woman sitting there and she looked as if the weight of the world was on her shoulders. I encouraged her to talk and she let it flow about when I spoke it activated some feeling and memories of her own dysfunctional relationship with a mother who had passed on also and how painful it was. As she shared, I counseled her until I feel that her energy had changed. I hugged her and she hugged me back. More
healing had taken place as I told her about becoming her own mother herself so she could heal the child inside. The hurt little child inside her heart needed to be loved by her. It was time to take the little girl by the hands and help her to heal.

I felt something click in my God center as I left and returned to my seat. In a few moments I noticed she was sitting down in back. I silently thanked God for showing me someone I could be of service for. After the service was over many came up to me to tell me how powerful and beautiful my words were and thanked me. Others came to tell me how much they enjoy this blog and the other...

A few words spoken from the heart can change things dramatically. Our words are indeed powerful and the intention behind the spoken words can move mountains. I took a long nap when I returned home and afterward sat out in the back yard to soak in the beauty of the day and felt such joy and peace in my spirit.

Gratitude, sharing, the love of God and Oneness was the rule of the day.
Once again, Thank you God. I am grateful.

1 comment:

  1. That was lovely! Thanks for sharing it.

