Monday, April 19, 2010

What is a good day?

Yesterday was a day to be thankful for. I was in good spirits and just happy and feeling blessed. The weather was so beautiful. Cool air prevailed with lots of sunshine. I went to a service at Unity Church and after lunch drove home. I quickly changed clothes, gave Hector his doggie cookie and went outside to just sit and soak
it up for a while.
I was joyous for no reason at all except that I could be that way. I could choose joy.
I know now through my spiritual journey that life is a constant series of choice every single day and no single choice is unimportant. Every choice leads to another experience and another.
I have greatly decreased my television watching and only watch around two hours a day. most of the day the screen is dark so my days are a lot more productive. This is one of my choices. This particular choice has positive results. I am more in a state of awareness in my days without this particular distraction.
I planted a few more things in my garden and admired it for a while. Later on I went to bed early and felt a good tiredness that took me to dream land quickly.
Now some would say that my day sounds boring but I was full of peace and joy all day and if that is boring then I will choose it anytime.
I felt God close to me all day as if he was right by my side and I knew it was because of what I was emotionally expressing through my heart.

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