Sunday, April 4, 2010


Today, I have been restless all day and I am trying to come to center again and it is simply not working.
I have used all the spiritual tools I have and still I am in a sour mood. This is not like me and I have asked the creator what is going on? I keep hearing "be still." I have been pretty still and quiet all day.

When this has happened before I get busy but today I have little to no energy. I look outside at the flowers blooming and this incredible weather and it does little to change my mood. In some ways it feels like some of the ascension changes that I have read of and studied. If that is it then it will pass soon.

In the meantime I will pray. With no energy I can not use a task as a distraction. So, I sit with myself
and stay in the stillness and the quiet. I know that God sits with me and is quiet too.

No guidance or messages have been forthcoming from God as it usually does. I only received the two words,

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