Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The White Stuff Is Here Again

I am watching the sky and it is gray and turning colder since I got my sleepy head out of bed. This winter season has been a wet one and a frigid one but as the rest of the county goes, it hasn't been that bad.

Just a few years back we were in the midst of a drought. Lakes were starting to have receding shore lines and resembled a man who is slowly but surely going bald. Boat houses and docks had dry land underneath.

Now we are smack dab in the middle of too much of a good thing. I am staying in state of expectation to see what unfolds from the skies but don't get me wrong, I am ready for Spring with the longing of a thirsty person on a hot summer day who is visualizing flowers, a vegetable garden and watching the wisteria vine come to life.I am ready to grill chicken and shrimp. I am ready to go to the mountains and hike around where all I need is a t-shirt and jeans.I want to hear the green leaves whisper life with every single breeze that passes by.I am ready for the clear spring nights that still have you wearing at least a sweater after dark sets in. I am ready to wake hearing birds sing joyously and to eye them teaching their babies to fly or jostling for position at the bird bath.

Since I started this particular entry it has started snowing outside hard and the temperature is dropping. It is beautiful right now but it won't be later on as it develops a coat of ice outside.

I have music playing and candles are lit to bring beauty to the inside of the house and I am grateful for a quiet snowy day to write to my hearts content. I am grateful for whatever the day may bring and for some unknown reason I always feel closer to God in days like this.This day will bring gifts just like any other. They are on their way and so I say Let it snow.Thank you God!

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