Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Spirit Letter from 2008 ...never published

Spirit Letter… February 17, 2008

Another wonderful day is given to me. I ask myself what I shall do with it. Recently,
two homes near me were visited by an ambulance. It showed me how quickly things can change for us. Life is so precious and I now know what an incredible gift it really is. I don’t have a particular question in mind this morning but I felt your guidance to be ready for your words to pour through.

Blessed Ones,
I hope you are concentrating on being and not doing.
There is much to be. There is much to create. How are you intending it? How are you attending it? Are you fighting against what is? If you are then you will receive more of the same. When you fight against something…it creates a negative space around you. It creates worry and anxiety. Since your life will not exist in a vacuum, what are you filling it up with?
What are your intentions? Intent is clarity and will keep you focused on a specific purpose. It is a guiding force and will give you direction despite any obstacles that will arise. Intention allows you to see beyond the chaos, confusion and fear. Are you intending to create something from an unconscious state? If you are then your intentions will never come to fruition. If there is any negativity attached to your intention then it is an unconscious state. I will give to you some things to ponder over. Is the negative ego partnering up with your intentions? The ego will always step in and try to keep you from anything that empowers you. If the ego mind is in residence there will not be room for another boarder. The ego is a hungry monster and will shroud your good intentions in darkness. Remember darkness cannot live in the light. Imagine the ego as living in the dark like an insect that scurries for cover when the light is turned on.
It is powerful to know that the ego will die hard, fighting every inch of the way to exist. It is time to take out the garbage in your mind. It is time to clear the deck.
You already know what is not working in your life. You do know but in the practice of denial you are still blaming outside yourself for a truth that is palatable to you to live with. This is not working, is it?
When you open your eyes, your first thought should be on me and your beautiful world within and without. Think of one thing that you can do to lift up another.
Stop being selfish with your time and possessions. This will get you no where…spiritually. If you are going through your days thinking only of self, you will find yourself in a constant struggle as you try and create more things for just you.
You will wonder why everything is so difficult for you. I am giving you some knowledge here that will simplify your thoughts on this matter.
Do you really desire knowledge? If you do I am handing it to you on a silver platter so to speak.
Are you saying to yourself that life is not fair? If you say this then your life will reflect that thought. Try instead to hold onto the fact that life is your creation. Hold onto the thought that you CAN have a fulfilling, creative and rewarding life. Stop saying, “Why me?” Use the thought as your mantra for the day…”Why not me?”
How does this feel to you? Over and over repeat this phrase.
I am ever with you even if you do not acknowledge me. What guidance do you wish? What question do you want an answer to? I am here to help you and love you into an incredible life. My love has no conditions. How simple is that?

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