Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Sleepless Night

Last night I had a very hard time getting to sleep. I remained in that state between sleep and awake for hours. Finally, I got up and went downstairs to read. When I came back to bed sleep alluded me for another hour so this morning I am tired and groggy yet here I am writing something.

What came to me is how prayer is the hidden source of power. I don't think we give prayer the attention it deserves. Prayer is talking to our source in a focused way and allows us to tap into the universal mind.

There are times when I envision my troubles to be little balls of lead in a basket and I just lay the basket at Gods door and leave it. I trust God to help me dispose of what is not for my highest calling.

There are other times when I just lay myself at Gods door to help me look within and fill myself with peace for this day.

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