Monday, March 15, 2010

A New Awareness of "NOW."

I spent some time with a lovely young woman today. She is educated, polished, driven
and she is very focused right now. We are both speakers and authors and are on the same page with our spiritual beliefs. She has always supported me and been very honest and open. We respect each other. I know we are true friends because she is genuinely happy for any success I may have and continues to share opportunities with me. There is no envy or competition. We don't get to visit often and so we make the time count.

I was very much in the now during the day and felt at peace and I observed her moving and shaking in her world and for a little while in my world. I wish her so much peace and prosperity.

After our meeting this morning which ran a bit long we went to lunch. As we sat there and ate our soup and salad I started to feel a bit sad that our time would be so short
and then I checked myself. Why take away from this beautiful day with those kind of crazy thoughts? I grabbed a hold of my thoughts and changed them to gratitude for the moments. All we have is now! It is all we have!

I was contaminating my present moments with negative emotions and anyway you look at it, that is crazy!
I became present to it and changed the thoughts. I was in control. I was aware of my thoughts. In that moment I felt such a sense of peace wash over me. I am so getting this being in the now stuff. It is a spiritual muscle you should put a little weight around. Oh,and by the way, I changed the thought to gratitude and the emotion changed immediately!

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