Monday, March 15, 2010


At first I couldn't wait to get big enough to go to school and then found out it wasn't what I thought it was cracked up to be. Then I couldn't wait to be a teenager and who could have guessed how much of a trial that would be. Then I couldn't wait to leave home and it was harder out there in the world on my own. Then I couldn't wait to be a wife and what a disaster that was. Then I couldn't wait to be a mother but didn't get to hold my babies for very long. I had so much impatience throughout my life. God told me to be still and be quiet and in the stillness I would find peace and I did.

In all the trials and traumas I finally saw the gifts and the whys and stopped saying it was bad. It was painful but not bad. These things happened for me and not to me and I have grown enough to know this.

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