Wednesday, November 2, 2011


By Rev. Diannia Baty

Last night I started having computer issues and during this time I could rapidly see how much I have grown spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
There was a time when this would have sent me into a panic and it would have ruined my hours and days until I got it resolved.
... Now, I use all my tools of mind, body and spirit to deal with it.

1. Using the powers of the mind, I mentally take inventory of what I am thinking and change whatever thoughts need to be changed. If there is a negative thought, I use a affirmation that is powerful instead. In this case, I stated, " Stay calm. The solution is at hand and it will be resolved quickly. Be at peace."

2. I checked in with my body to see if any signals of stress was present. Stiff neck, agitation, shallow or fast breathing or irritation in my stomach would be signs that my body was reacting to my thoughts.

3. Spiritually, I start using gratitude, staying in the now and I send out a request to the spiritual realm for assistance and guidance for fast resolution. I know my spirit guides and guardian angels will rise to the occasion every single time.

4. I thank my creator by saying, "I thank you for everything as it is already on its way."

5. I LET GO!

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