Sunday, June 12, 2011

Poem For an unborn child named Sire!

Rev. Diannia Baty
I wrote this to take to a baby shower today to honor
the coming birth of a boy child
who will be named Sire...I will frame and mat it!

...When you open your eyes upon this world
What will you see and who will you be?

As a spark of God you looked at being born and chose
This woman, named Adrienne to begin your life with.

To fulfill your purpose in life, you knew who your mother should be,
who your teacher would be and sent your spirit there.

You will be born knowing already what so many of us have to learn.

Your eyes will drink in all the beauty and wonder of this earth
And your thirst for knowledge will be mighty.

You come at a time when the world needs great spiritual leaders.
You come at a time when hope and knowledge of God is needed.
You come at the time of the way showers, healers, teachers and light bringers.

It is a time of great love and warriors of the truth of God.

You are special and as a divine piece of God, we welcome you.
And So It Is…
And So It Is…

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