Monday, June 6, 2011

Bath Time!

Rev. Diannia Baty
Today was bath day for my little Chihuahua...Hector!
He really doesn't care for the getting wet part but he really
likes the drying, scratching and oil rub part.
I clean his ears and give him a treat for being such a good boy for me.
Even if he hears the water running in the tub he will come when I call him with
...his ears down and moving very slowly. He comes right up to me to be lifted in.
I use coconut oil for his dry skin.

It is not a chore for me.
It is not something I have to do.
It is something I want to do.
Perception is everything!

Think about something you usually do not like to do
and approach it as something you get to do!
Be grateful for the experience!
Let the source wash over you and fill your cup
and be transformed.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! I will joyfully take a bath myself tonight! Thank you, Rene
