Saturday, January 8, 2011

What to do if you are being attacked personally

Spiritual thoughts on what to do if you are personally attacked.

There is someone out there who tries to shed darkness on my character. They betrayed me in ways that are nowhere near being spiritual. They say to the world they are deeply spiritual, kind, honest and loving but their actions speak volumes to the contrary.

Sooner of later they will run out of venom because some other unwary person will come into their lives that they can repeat their sanctimonious assault on. Then I will be old news because they will have fresh prey. Don't react.

Everything this person does regarding me comes back to me from many of my loyal friends and followers and they are telling me that they can feel the negative energy coming from this person and do not want to be around them any longer or ever for that matter.

What you put out there comes back to you. In the process of trying to make me look bad it is rebounding on them and they are not even aware of it.

If something like this happens to you do not fight against it with anger and thoughts of retaliation you will only empower something that is hurting you. Just let it go and if you are questioned, just smile and repeat after me...

" In every relationship there is an opportunity to spiritually be both a teacher
and a student. That is what happened here and the class is over!"

Five Spiritual Things To Do Every Day

Rev. Lady Diannia Baty






Are you a Blinker or a Thinker?

by Rev. Diannia Baty

Are you a blinker or a thinker?

When you hear, read about, or view something that is new and out of your usual interests or understanding do you just blink a few times and move on or do you investigate further, check it out and educate yourself before arriving at a personal conclusion? Nothing irritates me more than for someone to deliver an opinion about something they know nothing about! Then when you ask them a question they blink, blink, blink!

I have always been curious about new things. I want to know more. I investigate to the inth degree. I study upon it for a while. I do not toss out gaining further knowledge just because it feels strange or different. I cannot arrive at educated decisions about something unless I know what it is and how it works.

Many times I meet people who have a concrete stance on something and as they start talking I realize they have not investigated what it is they are rejecting or believing. I hear the voices of conditioning and peer pressure. I hear the strains of a concerto of control. I hear that that is just the way it is...Then comes the blink, blink, blink and blink.

So what I say to you is you do not have to be an expert on something to arrive at a stance on it but you do have to know what you are talking about.

For all of those thinkers out there, my hats off to you. It doesn't always make us popular but it is important that we carry on.

I have had this come to me while in meditation. I saw a big violet eye that sat in the Universe and blinked. I asked what it meant and I was told THINK!

I am going to think my thoughts and they are mine to think to my souls' content

All Thoughts

The power of thought is manifested through the spoken word. If our words are not spoken-they have no power. If you don't tell me how you feel, there is little chance that your circumstances will change about that feeling.
If you don't speak about what you are thinking, there is little chance that your thoughts will evolve. All thoughts lead to other thoughts when new information is added. All thoughts of the one mind are shared, but are cut off when the ego stops thinking or exercising its individuality.

A Dangerous Addiction

A Dangerous Addiction
I have noticed there are so many that are addicted to their computer and facebook and the internet in general. It is true that we have so many things to make our life easier and more productive but when these things are your whole world and they are controlling you. Talking constantly and texting on the cellphones is allowing us to become disconnected rather than connected. I observed a woman select all her groceries and buy them in the checkout line and as she pushed her cart out to her car she was still talking. I know someone personally who is on the computer from the moment she gets up until she goes to bed stopping only to eat and go to the bathroom.
There is very little conversation with her on a face to face level. She watches a lot of spiritual videos but is very disconnected. I ask myself what she is learning and why it is not being implemented in her life.

Are you chatting with your facebook friends and ignoring the real live people who are standing quietly by while you ignore them? Would they cheer if your computer broke down? Have you forgotten something on the stove? Have you totally lost track of time even with the time on display on your computer? Have you been late because of this?

Is your daily schedule weird...going to bed very late and sleeping very late because of this? Are the people in your life complaining about it? Do you carry on conversations by yelling from your chair while sitting in front of the computer instead of getting up and leaving the room to talk? When dinner is on the table do you yell out you will be there in a minute instead of just getting up and going in to eat? Do you constantly forget things you have to do? Do you forget something someone told you because they had to talk to the back of your head while you stared at the computer screen? The list is endless. Cellphone use and computer use is the addiction of our world. So far it is not recognized as an actual addiction but it is an addiction never-the-less. Take a good look at your life and determine if this may be you. Your life will change for the better if you curb this.
Do this before the people in your life don't care anymore if you sit there for hours and tune them out! Life is passing you by!


Rev. Diannia Baty
In my spiritual coaching work I advocate that we have to learn to change language used in terms of how we address ourselves, so that when we are faced with the challenge of looking at our bare faced soul in the mirror and our ‘untruth’ we do so from a place of compassion and love. This way we can look at all t...he elements of who we are which contribute to us as a whole making it easier for us to face who we are and deal with the pain of our reality or truth.

When we learn to use non judgmental language and be kinder and gentler when we
speak about ourselves this also empowers us to do the same with others. I will explain further. Rather than use terminology of ‘right, wrong or bad’ about a situation or experience what about saying ‘this is the outcome. Is it how I wanted it to turn out? If the answer is yes, then that is fine. Yet what if the answer is no? Then the outcome is still what is it but now you have the chance to consider doing something about the ‘no.’ Using language like ‘this was a mistake or this was bad ‘ is judgmental. When we use judgmental language we are much more likely to dust the situation under the carpet and not face it.

Therefore, we do not stand in our truth, in order to help deal with our reality, changing how we address ourselves helps in the process of dealing with and healing. When not in our truth this exposes a myriad of emotions which are often not congruent with whom we truly are, because we are not in alignment with our self and our soul’s purpose. In this place we give away a lot of our personal power to others. We allow others, their ideas, beliefs and perceptions of us to become us. We then become resentful, frustrated, angry and bitter allowing ourselves to become confined within the limitations of what we feel someone else has put upon us or even what we put upon ourselves. Yet remember we must take personal responsibility for every action we conduct and how we perceive every experience. To truly live your life at it's highest most profound level we have to delve into exactly what our truth is. It takes practice especially if you haven't done this.

When you start living , speaking and understanding truth on a soul level wondrous events start to occur as the old you starts to die away and your higher self is born. The inner silence where God resides becomes stronger and the truth truly will set you free.

One of These Days

by Rev. Diannia

I have heard the term, "one of these days," a lot lately.

That is such an uncommitted wishy washy thing to say.

There is a big, MAYBE in this statement!

If you catch yourself saying this change it to these words, " TODAY..I Have you ever had the experience of finding out a friend has died who you were going to call, "one of these days," yet didn't get around to it.

That distasteful feeling you get called REGRET is bitter when you realize you once again didn't follow through.

Change the words and change your

Yes, David...God is Really Cool

Rev. Diannia Baty Yes, David, God is Really Cool

Are you tuned in or tuned out? Are you a good listener? Do you find that you will have a conversation with someone and hardly recall most of what was said? Do people in your life ask you if you are listening to them?

Do you sometimes arrive at your destination and don’t remember the drive...? Are you having trouble remembering appointments? How are you sleeping at night? Are you having frequent headaches and stomach issues, heartburn or stiff sore muscles? If I asked you what you had for breakfast yesterday, could you tell me?
It has been surmised that most of us have almost 60,000 thoughts a day. That is way
too much for spiritual and emotional health. If you are doing that much thinking then is it any surprise that you are having troubles? Many of these thoughts are random and are automatic default thoughts.

Your mind is using you and it should be the other way around. I am reminded of when I have walked a large unruly dog that pulls me around. Just who is walking who?
It is time to tune into yourself and your soul. It is also time to tune into your God. Just how do you do this? The first course of action would be to dial down the number of thoughts you have in any given day. One of the most powerful ways to do this is to meditate. This is not just a suggestion. I meditate every day and it has become something I have to do like eat or sleep. I am calmer and grounded and a lot more peaceful. If you feel you can’t, then just sit quietly and take a few deep breaths and concentrate on the sensation of breathing. Do this for 3 to 5 minutes with your eyes closed.

Surprise, you just meditated! Easy enough, isn’t it? Do this whenever you need a break from the world instead of eating something or turning on the TV.
Have you ever given any thought to how many things you turn on and off throughout the day? You control many things. Some of these things are light switches, your car, the TV, the dishwasher, your computer, water faucets, your toothbrushes, security systems, the stove etc. This is just a short list of things you have absolute control over. If you forget to turn off some of these things the results are not pretty and sometimes devastating. Most of us are pretty vigilant and take care of the on off process in our day.

Most of us however, are not doing anything for our minds. We let the thoughts run roughshod over our life. You can train the mind to shut down too by meditation and sitting quietly. Your brain is a magnificent bio machine but it is designed to shut down from time to time. Even our computers go into a hibernate mode. If we allow our thoughts to run on with no control in sight we encounter burn out. Thank Goodness, our creator designed us to sleep or many of us would be in deep trouble. It is a sad fact that so many of us have trouble in that area also because we have not learned to use our minds effectively. Sleep clinics and sleeping pills are a sign of our times. This is a sad commentary of our humanity.

Our entire planet and everything on it is designed to perform in divine symmetry. We have the change of the seasons. The tides are controlled by the phases of the moon. Our children are born approximately nine months after conception. Grass, trees and plants have a cycle of birth and renewal. The snows of winter melt and fill the streams and rivers. Water condenses and fills the clouds. It rains and falls back into the water supply.

It is time to become still and quiet and connect with our source. We are way overdue to find our way back to peace and have a deep personal relationship with our creator. You will not find God in your busy mind numbing activities. God is being tuned out and shoved in the background of your mind. There is a powerful truth that you need to remember and that is;

The kingdom of heaven is within.

Now, if you think about it, it is pretty simply stated with no disclaimers. There are no if’s, and’s or but’s. It is what it is.
I have so many of my deeply spiritual experiences in the outdoors. One day while sitting quietly on a park bench meditating, a boy of about ten stopped in front of me. When I opened my eyes, he asked me what I was doing. I decided to tell him in simple terms and I stated that I was sitting with God and listening for the voice of my creator. When I said that he sat down beside me and a dialogue started between us that I have never forgotten. He said, “you mean God actually talks to you?” I said yes he did. He stated that he didn’t hear anything when he walked up to me. I told him that because God is so boundless and as big as the universe he could communicate with us in so many different ways. I explained that you had to learn to become still and very quiet so you could hear him. I asked him what his name was and David was his reply. Young curious David then said he was going to try it.

He closed his eyes and became like a statue and his breathing slowed. Children of that age are not accustomed to being still for very long. To my continued amazement, he sat there for a full 12 minutes as I timed him by my watch before he opened his eyes. He was quiet for a few moments as I waited for his reaction or comments. He looked at me and smiled and said, “wow, that was really cool.” He told me he had become aware of the birds singing and sounds seemed louder and then seemed to become lower in volume. He was then only aware of his breathing and he started to see colors like a rainbow. David said that he felt goose bumps and like someone was standing in the rainbows with him. “That was God, huh?”
I replied “yes it was.” I asked him if it made him feel good and he said, “yes, it did” I asked him if God had spoken to him and David said something I will never forget. His reply was,
“I kinda heard words in my head but not out loud or anything.”

David told me that God said, “I am loved beyond anything I can ever imagine and that one day I would understand what that means.”

I was so touched by this encounter with this little boy. I knew that I was supposed to meet David that day. Before he left he told me he was going to repeat the experience a lot and he couldn’t wait to tell his little brother about it so he could do it too! The ripple effect had started from this meeting. One other thing that David said before he left was,
“God is really cool, Huh?” Yes! David, God is really cool indeed!

Prayer of Acknowledgment

Rev. Diannia Baty
Read this slowly and repeat the words while focusing on the photo and you will feel something just let go that needs to out of your life!

Prayer for today…January 8th…2011-01-08

I acknowledge the red richness of my blood flowing through my body and visualize it’s constant movement.

I acknowledge the miracle of my eyes that allow me to see the glory of creation.

I acknowledge my ability to feel the skin of a loved one and emerald grass beneath my unshod feet.

I acknowledge the glory of my taste so I can savor all the flavors dripping from life’s abundance.

I acknowledge the richness of my ears to listen to the fullness of music and water flowing forever over rocks and wildly splashing on the seas.

I acknowledge my spoken glory calling out to the universe and announcing my name

I acknowledge my ability to know you. intimately and deeply, Dear God!

I acknowledge the gift you gave me of free will to experience this life in all it changes and choices that are mine to make and surrender to.

Most of all…infinite, divine and God consciousness profound…I acknowledge…

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Are You A Blinker Or A Thinker?

by Rev. Diannia Baty on Sunday, January 2, 2011 at 9:23am

When you hear, read about, or view something that is new and out of your usual interests or understanding do you just blink a few times and move on or do you investigate further, check it out and educate yourself before arriving at a personal conclusion? Nothing irritates me more than for someone to deliver an opinion about something they know nothing about! Then when you ask them a question they blink, blink, blink!

I have always been curious about new things. I want to know more. I investigate to the inth degree. I study upon it for a while. I do not toss out gaining further knowledge just because it feels strange or different. I cannot arrive at educated decisions about something unless I know what it is and how it works.

Many times I meet people who have a concrete stance on something and as they start talking I realize they have not investigated what it is they are rejecting or believing. I hear the voices of conditioning and peer pressure. I hear the strains of a concerto of control. I hear that that is just the way it is...Then comes the blink, blink, blink and blink.

So what I say to you is you do not have to be an expert on something to arrive at a stance on it but you do have to know what you are talking about.

For all of those thinkers out there, my hats off to you. It doesn't always make us popular but it is important that we carry on.

I have had this come to me while in meditation. I saw a big violet eye that sat in the Universe and blinked. I asked what it meant and I was told THINK!

I am going to think my thoughts and they are mine to think to my souls' content