Saturday, January 8, 2011

What to do if you are being attacked personally

Spiritual thoughts on what to do if you are personally attacked.

There is someone out there who tries to shed darkness on my character. They betrayed me in ways that are nowhere near being spiritual. They say to the world they are deeply spiritual, kind, honest and loving but their actions speak volumes to the contrary.

Sooner of later they will run out of venom because some other unwary person will come into their lives that they can repeat their sanctimonious assault on. Then I will be old news because they will have fresh prey. Don't react.

Everything this person does regarding me comes back to me from many of my loyal friends and followers and they are telling me that they can feel the negative energy coming from this person and do not want to be around them any longer or ever for that matter.

What you put out there comes back to you. In the process of trying to make me look bad it is rebounding on them and they are not even aware of it.

If something like this happens to you do not fight against it with anger and thoughts of retaliation you will only empower something that is hurting you. Just let it go and if you are questioned, just smile and repeat after me...

" In every relationship there is an opportunity to spiritually be both a teacher
and a student. That is what happened here and the class is over!"

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