Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Your Reflection is Perfection
Rev. Diannia Baty © 2008

There you are stumbling out of bed and you go to the bathroom to brush your teeth and as you look into the mirror there you are looking at your face. Do you make a face at yourself because you don’t like what you see? Are you checking out your wrinkles and spots? If you make comments to yourself that you are getting old or you are unattractive, you have already started your day in a negative way. I used to be that person but not any longer. I have learned to love that face looking back at me. It is the face I have and nothing short of plastic surgery is going to change it. I refuse to give into the craziness of this pervasive mentality that we must be perfect. I say perfect by whose standards?

I have a friend who is older than me and I think she is absolutely beautiful. For a while she was bemoaning her face and its imperfections. She started looking into plastic surgery. She went for a consultation and scheduled the surgery. She was so excited. She got cold feet and decided instead to check into another avenue. The consultation revealed that she was not a good candidate for "thermage." She didn’t have enough collagen in her skin. The botox injections were not for her and she ended her search with a good facial. After all this, she came to terms with her face and seems quite happy with herself now.
I am glad because when I look at her I see a lovely self-assured woman who has grace and elegance in her movements and speech. She exudes a peaceful calmness
and power that can not be purchased in any store or taught in any class. This is something that is in her inner being. I do not see wrinkles or imperfections. I think she is absolutely beautiful. She is a teacher of spirituality and inner peace and after her search for a more youthful face she is more at peace with herself and this will make her a better teacher. A wonderful thing happens when we accept who and what we are.
People we come into contact with accept us completely because of the thoughts and energy we are putting out there about ourselves. They see us as we see ourselves.
I am not saying that it is wrong to get plastic surgery if you feel it is necessary but if all your friends and family are telling you look great to them, maybe you should listen to them. If your body is less than perfect, get some exercise. Go for a walk and start doing something to change things instead of whining about what you see. When you feel better physically it will change your world mentally.

How about checking out a lift from the inside out? Your spirit may be in need of some spiritual medicine of self acceptance and learning to love the person that you are. Embrace all your gifts, talents and good qualities. Have a consultation with God. Learn about the inner you. What is in your heart? What is your purpose?
What is your joy? Are you starting to see the bigger picture here?

If you want to talk with God and have a heart to heart with your creator, there is no waiting for an appointment. The consultation is always free. The surgery is also free.

God will help you carve out all the inner wrinkles and smooth everything away. God gives you something that cannot be purchased anywhere in the universe…love and peace. You are also given free-will to make choices and figure this life thing out.
There are a lot of so-called beautiful people out there who are desperately unhappy
because they have no inner core and strong values of spirit that will carry them forward. The media is full of stories of these hungry souls who are dying inside.
Now, when you go look into the mirror… the face looking back at you is just a skin mask and it is not who you really are. You are beautiful and unique! Smile at your reflection and when you do this you are smiling at God and admiring the handiwork
of a force that makes no mistakes. In this journey of learning to love myself a wonderful thing happened. I fell in love with God and myself. In gratitude I am thankful for the wrinkles and freckles. Ah! What perfection your reflection is.


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