Tuesday, July 13, 2010

You can run but you can't hide.


Have you ever tried to hide from yourself? Can’t do it, can you? Now you can try in many various ways through abuse of drugs or alcohol but it doesn’t work. In fact, then you have another problem added onto the problem you are trying to escape from. You may try to escape from yourself by addiction shopping, gambling or promiscuity. Now you have created even more problems.
Some people move across the country but that doesn’t work either. Geographical cures only make whatever issues you have bigger. There you are in a new place, new city and no support system at all. You are more miserable than ever.
All this because the pain of looking at the real issue at hand is just too much. You don’t think you can handle it. Maybe you aren’t really sure what it is. You can’t just ignore it away.
You get to a point where you can’t stand yourself. I ask the question…who is the who…who can’t stand you? You have become miserable with your own company.
Everything that you utter becomes a complaint in some form. Nothing makes you happy and you dread the next day. You just know it will bring more problems and pain in some form.
You may find that people are not returning your calls or cutting the conversations short when they answer. Your negativity has permeated every conversation and social outing. People will try and listen and give advice and solace where they can. But if you are resisting at every turn with more negativity and complaining, is it any wonder that they don’t want to play in your sand-box anymore?
Have you ever watched children at a playground? If there is a problem they will address it immediately or they will take their toys and go home. If the other kid is not playing fair or whining and complaining, they don’t want to be around it. You might even hear them say that they don’t want to play with the other kid because they don’t play fair. Children are just tiny adults and we can learn a lot from them.

If you find yourself consistently unhappy there are some core issues than need to be addressed. I am not talking about what I call the “generic blues” that happens every now and then. I get these “generic blues” when I am overtired and just need to rest.
It is my body’s way of saying slow down. When I get the rest I need the generic blues go away. But even at times like this I am monitoring my thoughts and I keep the complaining to a bare minimum and usually to myself.
If you desire change then you have to start somewhere. What habits do you have that are sabotaging your happiness? What is the one key element that would make change possible?
If you are so miserable that you watch too much TV, then limit the time that you do this and replace some of these hours with reading inspirational material. If you now say you can’t concentrate enough to read then how about audio cd’s instead? There is always an answer for change. Change something. If you wake up in the morning and don’t shower until hours later, then try taking your shower first before you do anything else. It may seem like a small thing but this one change in your routine will do wonders for your day and your spirit.
Always start with baby steps. You have to crawl before you can walk figuratively speaking. The little things will not overwhelm you and you will have a sense of personal pride that you did it. This sense of accomplishment however small is powerful.
Have you been talking to God? If you haven’t then start. If you do talk to your creator are you always complaining? If you are then make this one of your changes.
Try telling the universe what you are grateful for. If you are reading this and your eyes can track the sentences this means that you can see. Be grateful. Some people are blind and have to rely on the Braille system. You can always find something to be grateful for. How about that coffee you are drinking or the tea you are sipping?
Be grateful that you can do this. Some people have nothing to eat or drink.

One more thing is certain, your God is not going to take the toys out of the sand box and go home. The eternal love of the creator is boundless. God always plays fair.
Start today this moment and make a change. Make it a tiny one and sit back in wonder and awe when you observe how it has already started to lead you to peace.
You are the co-creator of your world. You were given choice through free-will.
Be grateful for that if nothing else. If you know someone who is struggling…forward this on to them. You have free-will to do that. It may make a difference. Isn’t that what we are here for to lift each other up and make a difference in each others lives? We are not in this world alone. We are one! Come out of your hiding place.
God always knows where you are anyway. Can you just imagine what God can bring to the playground if you allow love to fill your heart?

We are created from love to be love.

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