Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Rev. Diannia Baty © 2009

To fully understand the message that Jesus taught
you must remember that it was all about love
and forgiveness.
Remember his words,
“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
It is not your job to leap into the mind and heart of another and judge their actions,
words and impulses. This is not in your job description.
For as hard as you strive to do this, you will never know what lies there.

His whole life was dedicated to teach us to forgive and to love.
As you walk through the day see Jesus in everyone, see the mind of God
set forth in the creation of another.
Do this silently and reverently remembering that everyone has
a place and purpose on this earth.

Until you finally understand the message that Jesus set forth
you will not know true peace and contentment.
When you do understand and put into practice and awareness
that loving and forgiving is the message
you will be free…
beyond anything you could have dreamed of.
Mastery is understanding that you must learn to forgive
in order to really love.

1 comment:

  1. I so love this one, it really reaches down deep into my soul.
    Thank you,
