Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Claim It

Rev. Diannia Baty 2011

Claim what you want. If you want to be a writer claim it. If you want to dance, claim it...If you want to be a cook...claim it. If your goal is to just be what you want to be in the moment, you will find great spiritual magic there.

...If you are concentrating on the end result, you have lost the message of this.
Do not measure your results against someone Else's performance. Do what you do and do it because you can. If you can open your mouth and squeak out a song. Sing it with gusto and joy! Your squeaky little song may be beautiful music to the ears and heart of another. Write that poem just because you feel like it and share it. If will be a literary masterpiece to someone. Do it because you can. Be what you are and claim your mastery. Share your gifts and talents with the world in whatever form it takes.

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