Monday, August 16, 2010

Waiting for cooler weather.

It has been a hot summer and last winter was a colder one than most. There is no way to get around it. Weather patterns are changing

and it is not for the better. When I walk indoors after being out in the heat even for a minute, I breathe easier. I ask myself how anyone can survive this kind of heat without some kind of relief from it.

I could kiss the person who invented air conditioning. Some of our new technologies are great and some not so great.

I still remember seeing my first television set. It was a black and white picture and the reception was no so great. Now we have high definition flat screen viewing.

There was a time I carried a pager, now I have a cell phone. It used to cost you a mint to make a long distance call and you had to go through an operator to do that.

Let's not forget remotes. There is a remote for practically everything these days and there is my personal favorite...the GPS. Now there is no excuse to get lost unless of course the GPS is not working.

One thing we can't put on a remote is God. You still have to have a lot of one on one. No technology can touch the creator for bringing everything back into clarity and peace with a remote, without a cell phone or a computer.

So while I think thoughts of autumn days with crisp cool nights and colored leaves of gold and red, I will talk with God and say Thank You for all of it...the hot and the cold and snow...fireplaces and cool showers, iced tea and hot coffee...blankets and swim suits and most of all for all the love that comes my way every second. I will be patient while waiting for cooler weather and appreciate what is...even if it is a bit hot for me!

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