Saturday, May 22, 2010

Here is to the day

Here is to the day!

"Here's to the day! May it be all that I need for it to be and may I be all the day needs of me."

That's good enough, I think, for a very simple prayer to greet the day. It reminds us that we need things from the day, and the day needs things from us. That is the deal. Show up for your life.
You have to be clear about what you need, what the day needs and understand that you are primarily in the business of seeing to it that your needs are met.

Each day needs for us to be who we are, to be true to ourselves within the context of relationships and circumstances of our lives and to do it in the spirit of compassion and genuine good will. The day needs us to be fully present and bring our gifts of soul, spirit and heart to life and to the light, in the day gracing ourselves and others with presence and perspective. The day needs you to express and exhibit that which is deepest, truest and best from your higher self.

The day needs you to bring clarity of perception to bear upon the moments and to see what needs to be seen, to hear what needs to be heard, know what is to be known and understand what is before you in every hour. The day needs for you to respond in ways that make where we are and who we are a soft safe place to be...a good place to be...a powerful place to be.

The days as they come need for us to stop being disjointed, distracted, depressed and disconnected.
We live at cross-purposes. Our desires are at odds with our ideals and even with our desires. We are a squirming mass of conflicts and division. The opposing sides of self are constantly vying for attention and control. This ego self is working hard to sabotage and frustrate and so we are constantly shooting ourselves in the foot and act out in self-defeating and self destructing ways.

We need in the day to remember the spiritual side and align ourselves with that as it is the highest truth that will carry us forward into a new reality.

In all circumstances and in very way we need for the day to show us ways to align ourselves with God.
In this way we will be all that the day needs from us and will deliver when the day shows us the way back to ourselves.
This is just something to think about.

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