Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Affirmative Prayer...laughter

Many of you have sent comments to me about this series on affirmative prayers and how it has helped you and I am grateful. I have asked spirit questions while writing this series for assistance and confirmation. I know that God wanted it to be written.

Before writing part five I kept getting the sense of laughter and simplicity. I feel like I am being swept away and surrounded by a force so much bigger than me. It is in me and all around me and this loving presence is always there. I am sent joy every day. I find ways to laugh and experience the joy and happiness that is available. I laugh with God. My dog is always doing cute things that make me laugh. I watch comedy movies. They uplift me. I laugh at myself. Laughter massages the soul. A friend of mine sketched a picture of Jesus laughing. His head was thrown back and his mouth was open and he was laughing so intensely that tears were rolling down his cheeks. I was in awe of this sketch. I hold it in my memory to this day.

I have laughed joyfully simply because I am alive. There are people we meet who have a distinctive laugh. We never forget it. There are some people I know that constantly have a smile on their face that is so big it appears that they will break out in laughter any minute. Their smile is contagious. You can be around them for just a few moments and feel better. They are happy for no reason at all except that they choose to be. You will not hear them blathering away with negativity about their life.

I was blessed recently to be around such a person. He owns a bookstore in town and I was doing a book signing there. He has a distinctive laugh and is very easy going. I watched people coming and going in the store and observed their ease with him. His smile was constant and his laughter frequent. Before my time was over that day I considered him to be a friend. I could see why people just dropped in to chat. He treated everyone the same. I noticed his daughter who worked with him had that same smile on her face. She was sweet and helpful and made me feel at home.
Sure, you can order books on line but why would you want to when you could have this experience when buying a book?

My point to all of this is a smile often leads to laughter. We are attracted to people who smile and laugh often for a reason. Laughter is energy and so is smiling.
It is important for us to learn to laugh at ourselves and our antics. If I were on the outside looking at myself there would be many moments throughout the day that I would find humorous. I have made it a point to smile while I am working about the house, running errands and especially when I am writing. No one but me has to be present when I am smiling. I smile because I can. Think about it. Smiling costs nothing and requires no time out of your day and you can do it while doing something else. Even if you are not smiling on the inside before long your smile will project energy to your emotions and thoughts and your day is transformed. Do you work at a desk a lot like I do? Then, put a mirror somewhere in front of you and observe yourself while you are working or talking on the phone. What kind of faces are you making? Are you frowning or smiling? If you are smiling it will come through your energy field right through the phone. The other person who cannot see you perceives something good and will respond to it in kind. By the same token you will always feel their energy. If you cannot turn a negative energy field around then get away from it but do not allow it to change yours.

When you express joy for no reason at all, you turn up the light that is within you and your connection to source is made strong. It is so sweet to smile and so sweet to feel the divine presence that dwells within say hello and fill you with grace.
The fifth affirmative prayer starts as the others. Use Gods name first or whatever you call your holy source, it makes no difference.

“God, send me what I need today to be joyful, laugh and
smile with you and for you.”

The next thing is to expect it because it is coming as soon as the words and the thought leave your being. This is one affirmative prayer that your creator loves to bring into being. God is love and is already joyful. Laughter and joy massages the soul with well being. If there is tragedy and suffering in your life it is even more imperative that you put this affirmative prayer into practice. I have always had the ability to find humor and joy in almost any situation. It has carried me forward and lifted me up in many trying life experiences.
Don’t be surprised if you find yourself weeping tears of joy and mirth when you do this.

When God starts sending you what you need to be joyful and to put a smile on your face,
don’t forget to say, “God, Thank you.”

I am joyful right now to be able to share this with you. I was so busy this morning just enjoying communing with God while writing this piece that I didn’t realize I was still in a very bright caftan with candy pink garden shoes. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and found it very funny. I had a good laugh at myself. Later on, I was looking for my glasses and like a lot of you; I found them on my head. This I also found hilarious.

I chuckled and smiled and grinned into my day and there are many hours left before I rest my head on the pillow. I have been saying “thank you” a lot already. May the affirmative prayers bring you peace and understanding. I will be sending you part six before the week is over. God has guided me to (keep it simple spirit.) God adheres to the KISS principle too! In fact, where do you think it came from? God does absolutely have a sense of humor and examples of that are all around you so open your eyes and your heart, here they come. Please send in your comments and experiences about the affirmative prayers so it can be shared with others. Let me know if I have your permission to share it. Now if you will excuse me I have some giggling and chuckling to do.

www.makeachoicenow.com website


  1. Thank you for this Diannia! We all need to embrace joy and laughter in everything more often.

  2. Thank you Diannia!!! You are such an inspiration to people everywhere!!!
