Sunday, April 25, 2010

Speaking Your Truth

"Speak your mind.......even if your voice shakes."


It would seem that speaking your mind and your truth is harder for women than men but lately I am running across a lot of the male gender who have this problem as well. I am wondering if that is because more women are stepping up to their power and men are just not used to it.
More women are speaking up and speaking out. It is getting easier to say "no" when necessary or "that is just no acceptable."
I say get used to it because women everywhere are stepping up to their power and are just not happy being everything to everyone forgetting themselves in the process. Too many of us don't know where we begin and others leave off. It is very freeing to your spirit to speak your truth and get on with the process of life.
God wishes you to be authentic in mind, body and spirit and get back to self.

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