I am in love with my porch that wraps around with so many places to sit and meditate.
This porch wraps around a 1925 arts crafts home. There are granite steps leading up to this porch and I used to have lion statues on either side. I sold them as I felt they didn't look good there anymore so I put plants in concrete planters there instead. All around it under the overhang is a wall of brick about two feet high with a granite ledge that you can prop your feet on or even have a sit. I have long decorative concrete planters on each ledge that currently are filled with herbs.
Now, the highlight of this marvelous porch is the porch swing. It is one of my favorite places to spend a few hours. I have coached and counseled on this swing as everyone who comes goes right to that swing. Tears and laughter have been shared from this swing and moments of clarity and renewed passion for life have been born.
Later on anyone who sits there will see the hummingbirds at the feeders. The herbs, roses and gardenias will scent the air. I will have fresh cut flowers in my house every day.
Whenever I sit on the porch I feel so at peace and am filled with such gratitude. If people walking by see me sitting there they will come up on the stairs but no farther as there is a two foot iron gate across the steps. Sure, you can step over it but it keeps my dog from running down the stairs into the street. I've known too many people who have had their dog meet an untimely death because of this. So, I can recline on the porch swing, close my eyes and muse about life and even nod off a bit.
If I ever have to move, this porch will be what I think about as I remember back on fond times and beautiful experiences. Southerners have a fondness and an attachments to their porches. It becomes an extension of the main house, a place to drink ice tea, read a good book, have heart to hearts on and just generally explore the softer side of life where peace abides and knowledge is waiting.
I think of God and know that God has the porch of the universe to dwell in and comes to my porch sometimes and has a heart to heart with me. The iced tea is waiting!
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