Thursday, March 11, 2010

IT IS TIME...A message

It Is Time
It’s time to get back to simple living…pared down,
slowed down and wound down.
Get back to more being and not doing.

Time to play with the kids and the dog.
Time to tell those wonderful people that you love
and appreciate them. This means more than all the gold in Fort Knox.

It is time to get those watercolors out that are covered with dust and time to get that old tennis racket out.

It is time to bake that cake that you know who has been begging you to make.

It is time to throw the ball in the backyard, ride that horse, build that table or make that incredible quilt
that you designed.
It is time for simple things and gratitude, gratitude, gratitude.
This is a time like no other in history.
There is a spiritual shift taking place and you are a part of it.
Like it or not, know it or not.

Step up to the plate and own your life.
Connect with the souls who are a part of your life.
Your greatest asset is other people.
Put the true spirit of life back where it belongs, in the heart.


  1. This is beauty and truth all rolled in to "One" Yes, the shift is upon us, and it is up to each one of us to climb aboard and set sail for the greatest connection man has ever known, one that will shine the light for all to see.
    The highest of gratitude to enlightened souls like you that are the wayshowers of this very important time.

    We would be honored to feature your work on Your Community Connector!
    Namaste, Dawn

  2. I would be honored if you featured my work on Your Community Connector.
