Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Friend... Poem

A Friend
Rev. Diannia Baty © 2007

A friend is someone who feels your tears
as they form in your heart.

A friend is someone who steadies you
when your dreams falter.

A friend is someone who staunches the flow
when your soul is bleeding.

A friend is someone who would open their
spirits vein to sustain you.

A friend is standing at the hole and helping you crawl
out and see the light.

A friend always knows without words
what history is telling them.

A friend honors the child in you
and counsels the adult.

A friend plays the flute of life
and helps you sing your song.

A friend dances the circle of fire
and calls out your name to the universal spirit.

A friend sees you beyond the body
and whispers to the earth wind to cradle you.

A friend is always and eternal
and a blessing beyond all lives.

A friend lives in you and by you and with you


  1. How good this poem A Friend, as I am reading through it, wow, I see one of my former friends jump out at me. You see, I was in that dark hole once, instead of standing there extending her hand and her light, she made a snide comment. That comment was not asked for, nor was it appreciated that day and even to this day. All she said to me after a breakup from a long relationship was, get over it, I told you he was not worth your time. That was not what I wanted to hear at that moment, I wanted a friend that would put her arm around me and tell me the hurt will not last that long. It did not, and she did not remain my friend, finally seeing what a real friend she was not, I left her wondering why I did not call her anylonger.
    Things are great now, that man I was so heartbroken over is long gone, moved away with his wife and adult children. I know I am in a great place for me now, I know what fantastic true friends I have now.
    Pat Hege

  2. I want to take this opportunity to let Lady Diannia know how much her work has healed my spirit. How much I really appreciate her work, the healing she does for so many people.
