Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Gifts

I have resisted blogging for a while because I considered it one more thing to put on my To Do list. I now know that it is a great way for my followers and fans to be able to read my stuff anytime they desire. Everything will be archived and you will have easy access.
Now I know this is really very easy and I enjoy it even though I just started yesterday.My thoughts this morning are all about receiving the gifts that the universe brings to me every single day. I just have to look for them.
I send out gratitude for what is on its way and that sets up the energy vibrationally speaking. Today it is my intention that I get three gifts of some kind. The gifts come in many ways from a stranger deciding to buy my coffee for me at Starbucks to finding something I thought I had lost. The gifts are many and the intention for living and experiencing my life has a quality of excitement to it.
I will let you know tomorrow what gifts came my way.

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