Sunday, February 28, 2010


Crazy, I Think Not!
Rev. Lady Diannia Baty © 2010-02-28

Many people in the world view me as a little off my rocker or as one person put it, I am six eggs short of a dozen. Why would someone say something like that? I feel it is mainly because I am so devoted to what I do in the spiritual way of things. I also think it is because I am female and there is still an old outmoded view of women being ordained or spiritual visionaries and leaders.

None of this bothers me although it used to. I would question myself and wonder if I was a bit deluded. I would think that just maybe I was confused about what my purpose was and then the negative thoughts of not feeling good enough or worthy enough would crowd into my brain. When I would go through these times of not believing in myself, God was always there to push me firmly back on my path. There were many times when I just wanted to forget the whole public thing of teaching, speaking and writing and be on my spiritual path by myself.

The whole world as it stands is watching when you put yourself out there and stand in your truth and stay on path. People read what I write and come to hear me speak. Every week women come to my home for the spiritual development classes. People order and read my book, “Spirit Letters.” I am sent the most beautiful inspiring testimonials regarding what I do. Every single one of them is motivation for me to continue on. I am reminded of a poster that was popular a while back showing a cat hanging onto a rope and it said, “Hang in there.” I am hanging in there and I will never veer from my path until I cross over to the other side of this earth.

Every single day I am faced with choices. I try and start my day by asking God what would he like to share with me for the day? I ask to be shown some way to be of service before the day is done. I may mull over my choices for the day and go with the one that feels the highest and best. In any given moment I am shown choice after choice. We have a tendency to forget this incredible fact. The immense responsibility of free-will is something else again when you think about what your life would be without it! In my communications with God
choices is mentioned time and time again. It should be no surprise that…Make A Choice Now, would be the name of my website. My barometer of monitoring my choices is checking in with how it makes me feel. If it lifts me up and fills me with a positive feeling or emotion or brings me peace then I know I am on the right track. If you are confused, it will only be temporary if you check in with your feelings. You are always in control even if you aren’t aware of it. Live your life by choice not by chance.

What I do is not always an easy path. I have many people and organizations pulling at my spiritual skirts and I have to practice discernment as to which way to go with what I offer. It is costly to continue forward. There are times when I briefly give into fear that I will not be able to afford this path. It passes very quickly. I would stand on a street corner if I had to. This is not an idle statement. I am content and exhilarated that I can do this. I have read and studied others that do this and in most cases their start in life was very rocky and it is amazing that they are spiritual visionaries, authors, teachers and the like. I have always felt that about myself. If any of you know my story of my earlier years you may find it astounding that my path led me here. I do!

Oh, and then there is the psychic thing. I am a fourth generation intuitive and it is a part of who I am. Anyone will tell you that the readings and guidance they receive when they have a session with me are on-point and I cannot tell you how many times they cry tears of joy or experience healing. I have received a lot of guff about it but I have also received praise and beautiful testimonials. This gift comes from only one place and that is the divine. It is also another reason to be called crazy.

I am firmly meshed with God and I am happier than I have ever been. I am totally at ease with my many “GOD JOBS.” If being a woman, an author, an outspoken communicator and scribe for God is crazy then bring out the white jacket and carry me off. If wanting to bring peace and empowerment to others is wacky then so be it. If putting myself out there so the world can see and hear me is making me nutty as a fruitcake then so be it. If having total faith and confidence in God leading and talking to me is weird so be it. If crazy feels this good then why would I want anything else? So, Crazy? I think not! This is just something to think about.

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